Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Now it's my turn: Day 2

It's 21:19. Today was hot - in the 90s. It's probably 72 now. I've got the Tiki torches going in the backyard while I catch up on a few things and blog. Sipping my iced coffee outside on my "patio" with the torches going in good weather. I've imagined nights like this many evenings I've been on the road. Still, something is missing from this midsummer's night dream. Something Latin. Something Feminine. Someone special.

Reality sets in with a slight waft from the feed lot next door. Neither Latin or Feminine. Where's smell-o-web when you need it?!?!? Web 3.0 anyone?

I found a wasps nest in one of the gazebo posts this afternoon. There were about a dozen when I scared them up. Ick. The wasp spray won't go down into the post except for what drips down from the ceiling. It's too tight to point the can straight down there.

While I'm writing, Lexie has been chasing dying wasps across the cement. Reminds me of my dog, pepper, chasing bees across the yard.

The kids all played good today - I have no complaints. There was a little too much TV in the AM while I managed to get an important document finished for a client. I'm hoping there won't be much aftermath tomorrow. I want to maximize my time with the boys over the next few days. The 4 big kids took Lexie on a walk this morning. 5 minutes after sending them out, I realized what a disaster that could have been. It turned out ok, but I still have to have a talk with the kids about sticking together. Gabe returned alone - after the others returned. Had it been the other way around, I might have lost it.

Both Isaac and Ethan played at some neighbors, got wet in the yard, and Toby managed to not drive me crazy all day. Priscila's mom (Bucky - boo-key) has been here most of the day doing laundry and helping with the kids.

Brienne brought by pizza for dinner. Thanks to all the ladies in Priscila's circle for thinking about us. I will be calling ladies, I'm just now getting a handle on where I am and what's going on.

Brie said she read my blog. Thanks Brie, I have an audience of 2!! Pass the word girls, I want 10 by the end of the week!!!

Back to dreaming. I can only hope the rest of the week goes like this.


Stephanie said...

Add another reader to your blog... you are up to three, woot!

You make taking care of 5 kids sound so serene and peacefull. :)

Davin said...

It's only serene and peaceful after 9:30pm

Jenn Pete said...

I'm reading it too, Uncle D. Sounds like ya'll are off to a good start.

Priscila said...

I really enjoy reading your blog, my love. You are doing an amazing job with the boyz as always.
You can add about 10 more readers, they just don't comment, but they read and they want to see pictures. Ya know, you don't have to know english to understand a picture ;)
Te amo y te extranio!

Stephanie said...

So I saw you at Walmart today driving away. It was John and I and we were waving, but you seemed to be, um let's say, speaking emphatically to the boys LOL! Hope things got better :)

Davin said...

ARRGGHH!! Caught in public disciplining! Wait for my next post!!

Ariel said...

I'm readin.... Keep writin!

Unknown said...

I'm reading too!!! A little behind, but catching up today!!! Sounds like you've got a good handle on things Davin!!! You're a great daddy and husband! Thanks for being so great to my girlie!!!

Erin said...

Hey Davin,

Sounds like you are doing a good job! I pray for God's sustaining grace and PEACE for the remainder of your beautiful wife's absence.

I enjoy reading and looks like your reader count is up!
